Forum Ethibel’s activities consist of three main pillars: ‘Trendsetter’, ‘Tailor-made support’ and ‘Social embedding’. In the first pillar, we explain our values and vision on sustainability by giving a balanced interpretation of quantitative data.

The combination of data on sectors, companies and ESG scores (Environment – Social factors – Good governance), with their assessment by a team of experts (Register Committee) results in the Investment Register of Forum Ethibel.
The Investment Register
The Investment Register is a sustainable investment universe, consisting of companies and countries to which a sustainability filter has been applied. By assessing data, scores are assigned to companies and countries, which are then added to or excluded from the register.
In the composition of our register, we strive for a balanced sectoral and geographical spread. The aim is to ensure that fund managers can use our register to build financially and technically sound portfolios.
Anyone can consult the Investment Register for non-commercial use. Sign up here to gain access.
For more information on the selection of companies and countries and the criteria used, please go to: Our sustainable universe.

Ethibel label
Forum Ethibel has developed two labels, based on the sustainable investment universe, namely Ethibel PIONEER and Ethibel EXCELLENCE.
Both labels are quality labels that show (with a logo) that a product has been certified by an independent and specialised body. They are quality marks for investment funds that only invest in shares or bonds listed in the Investment Register and with scores of A or B (PIONEER) or A, B or C (EXCELLENCE).
We award our labels to different products that meet the same specifications. Financial institutions wishing to obtain a label should apply to Forum Ethibel. Labels are granted under strict conditions which are included in a contract. Forum Ethibel will regularly check whether the fund still meets these requirements.
For more information and to see which funds carry an Ethibel label, go to Labels and certificates.