Forum Ethibel’s activities consist of three main pillars: ‘Trendsetter’, ‘Tailor-made support’ and ‘Social embedding’. In our second pillar, we offer tailor-made support to both institutional investors and financial institutions.
On the one hand, we carry out independent monitoring of financial products that are developed and brought on the market by financial players. On the other hand, we guide and support institutional investors in drafting and implementing a sustainable investment policy. This process starts with the values and choices of the client, who determines their own quality requirements or criteria.
Audit and certification
Forum Ethibel is recognised as an expert in the area of audits and certification of both financial and non-financial products and services.
Both companies/organisations themselves and institutions that wish to invest in certain companies or enter into a partnership, can contact Forum Ethibel with questions about sustainability and audits.
Forum Ethibel also awards certificates to demonstrate that a product or service is in line with self-imposed criteria. This certificate guarantees that conditions relating to corporate social responsibility (CSR) are complied with. Although this certificate is based on the customers’ own criteria, specific minimum requirements regarding human rights and labour law, environmental violations and armament, and the principles of the UN Global Compact must still be met.
When Forum Ethibel certifies a product or service, regular screenings are required. Certificates are only issued for the duration of an agreed period (one year, one semester, one quarter). Afterwards, a new audit is carried out to check whether the client still meets the self-imposed criteria.
Certificates may be granted to different type of ‘products’, ranging from investment funds to insurance products to solidarity investments and impact investments. For more in-depth information and to view the certificates, go to Labels and certificates.